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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Travel Pictures on Intagram

One of the things that is great about traveling is you get to see some amazing sights and scenery. I try to capture a lot of that with my phone and other cameras I sometimes bring along. I have really started to like Instagram because sometimes I take a picture of something and it just doesn't capture the mood and feel of what I am seeing.The world just seems so much more vibrant that what sometimes comes across on the iphone screen.

Being able to apply filters, adjust saturation and vibrance helps me to show the picture the way it looks to me when I am there. I hope you find them interesting. You can see the pictures on the Facebook page if you click the Instagram tab. Also, search for me on the Instagram app (adamdean), and give me a follow and some feedback about what you like. Here is a few pictures I have posted there.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hotel alarm clocks

Pound the Alarm!

One of the first things you should always check when you get to a hotel is the alarm clock. You never know if the last person who stayed in your room set an alarm for 4:30 am so they could catch a flight. You might be rudely awakened to find out they may have changed the time on the alarm click to their local time as well. Chances are if you're out west then you will then be running way ahead of schedule. But of you are out east you might be showing up late for a meeting or event.

Until next time I am...
Currently Out of the Office