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Thursday, December 22, 2016

10 Things Adam Dean is Awesome at Doing

10 Things Adam Dean is Super Awesome at even when he sleeps...

Whether it is presentations to small groups or hundreds of people Adam is an exceptional communicator and oral presenter. He knows how to get others excited about university events and projects.

Adam has a proven track record of leadership experience. Whether it is managing staff or motivating students and colleagues to creative solutions, Adam is a boss.

Not everyone can say that they have built multiple social media platforms from the ground up, but Adam has the experience doing just that. Not to mention fostering a strong and active audience along the way.

Adam exhibits strong knowledge and understanding of effective trends within marketing and recruitment in higher education. He has the ability to discover unique opportunities to share the OU story. 

Do you need someone who know how to build strong relationships with students, faculty and staff, creating cross institutional understanding and engagement of messaging and branding? Adam is great at bringing people together.

Flexibility to balance and organize multiple projects is no challenge for Adam Dean. While traveling away from the office for hundreds of days a year Adam was still able to coordinate and execute large campus events and manage additional responsibilities with ease. 

 Adam has the skills to develop all kinds of content for Social Media. Whether is is photos, video, blog posts or a podcast, Adam has the ability to create meaningful content. 

Well, YeahIn addition to being skilled in creative computer programs such as Adobe Creative Suite and having exceptional knowledge of Microsoft Office programs, Adam also, has a strong understanding of CMS programs for web content management. 

Adam is self motivated with high levels of creativity with the ability to drive projects from conceptualization to completion and develop new and aggressive strategic marketing plans. 

Know someone who is skilled in creative cinematography, composition and lighting for video production? We do. Adam is highly skilled in these areas and knows how to work a camera other than in auto mode? Check below to see some of Adam's work.

Instagram: @adamdean

Photography: ViewBug

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

4 Social Media rules you should live by...

Four Social Media rules you should live by in Higher Ed

Taking your Social Media accounts to the next level

by Adam Dean

The reason that Facebook and YouTube have been able to remain in the top 5 most visited websites since 2010 is the same reason that now Snapchat, Instagram, and Messenger along with Facebook and YouTube are the most downloaded mobile apps of 2016. We are social creatures with a deep desire to share our stories. 5-6 years ago people claimed it was just the college and high school kids creating this tech tsunami, but that is no longer the case. Now all of us have our batteries charged, our content in the cloud and are looking for that .

1. Timeliness

Nothing is worse than posting about a topic that everyone has already moved on from. Social Media allows everyone to stay connected outside of the typical 8-5 workday schedule. Often times when something significant happens at 7:30 pm its old news at the coffee pot at 8:00 am the next morning. When major events happen,at the time to share, plan to post the content in reaction to the event, not as a breaking news source. A summary of the event and responses from the students, or community can be the best way to engage in the conversation if it is already going on.

2. Quality Content

Have you ever been scrolling through Facebook and feel like you're seeing the same post from the same person over and over and over. Maybe its vacation pictures or baby photos. You may be encountering an oversharer. This is a position that a University never wants to put them self in. If your followers are seeing your post in their feed to often or with content that is irrelevant to them they won't follow you for the important information.

3. Universal Branding

Keeping your message and branding the same across different social media channels seems like a no brainier. Yet time and time again you will see a university Twitter account that is using an outdated or different university logo than their Facebook page. You will see inconsistent messaging around the universities mission and values on different social media platforms. You sometimes even see information that directly contradicts something posted on another social media page. Your University should have a few primary accounts that are all under the direction of one person. Many institutions have multiple accounts for different departments but all of those content providers should be in line and in regular contact with a University Web Media Manager or Director.

4. Follow the data

Technology allows us to do some pretty powerful things. One of those things is track user data. If your university is not using data and trends to understand who your audience is, then you are missing out on a untapped resource. Understanding the demographics of your audience is important. Who, When and Where are probably the 3 most important. From the data you can often get an age range, ethnicity profile and gender. this information can help you create and shape your content around your audience. When is your audience most active and when do they interact with your content the most? Where are they coming from and how can we get more traffic from certain areas?

There are plenty of other do's and don'ts but these four rules will keep your accounts on track and growing with an interactive audience.

Sniffle and Snore

Sniffle and Snore...

If you have allergies like I do, I suggest taking an OTC allergy pill daily when traveling. Even if you don't typically take one, many times when you travel to a new destination you encounter allergens that your body isn't typically used to dealing with. When you finally arrive at your nice and clean hotel, those tiny particles of dust and dander may still be out to destroy you. Hotels can sometimes be the worst offenders to those of us with allergies.

If you have really bad allergies you might even consider taking your own pillow. Most hotels now offer an allergen free room with foam pillows and no feather duvet cover. Beware of hotel soaps and lotions if you have sensitive skin too as those can make the aftermath of a bubble bath look more like road rash.

Finally, many OTC allergy medicines have a secondary benefit.... They make you sleepy. So if you are a sniffling insomniac, a benadryl might just be the perfect cup of tea.


5 Foods That Adam Might Bring to Your Next Potluck...

5 Delicious Foods That Adam Brings to Potlucks

1. Maple Bacon Cream Cookies

Everyone knows nothing is better than pancakes and bacon on a Saturday morning. The sweet maple syrup and saltiness of the bacon ties together perfectly. Well almost as perfect as Adam's maple bacon cream cookies that is. You can enjoy all the deliciousness of Saturday morning in a cookie.

2. Slaughter House 5 Chili

What kind of chili has shredded chicken, ground Angus beef, pork sausage, beef tips, and bacon? Adam's award winning Slaughter House 5 Chili, that's what.  Top it off with a little cheese and sour cream. toss on a few fresh jalapenos to kick up the heat.

 3. Fireball Apple Pie

Because no apple pie is complete without cinnamon, so cinnamon whiskey counts, right? RIGHT? This holiday treat is baked in a large cast iron skillet for extra deliciousness.

4. Peculiar Dogs

Everybody love a good old backyard cook out, but nobody grills up hot dogs like the Dean's. Whether it is teriyaki links, Caribbean jerk franks, or Pinot Noir sausages, everyone will find something to love.

5. Blanca Queso Diablo

Ready for game day? Probably not unless you have this delicious spicy white queso on hand. We're  going to need an second bag of chips.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

I GOT WEB WIZARD find out your magical career...

quiz What Magical Career Should You Pursue Based On These Four Questions?

Figuring it out is the first step to success.

 Answer: Molten Chocolate Cake

Answer: Ocean Sunset


 Answer: Mad Men


 Answer: All of the Above


You got: Web Wizard

Your personality is absolutely magical and your tech skills beyond savy. You are mystical and wise way beyond your Snapchat expiration period. You are not just the average marketing muggle, but a true Wizard of the Web.

harry potter

Local Man Will Win at Least Second Place In Office Fantasy Football League

Local Man Will Win at Least Second Place In Office Fantasy Football League

Vol 51 Issue 01   

KANSAS CITY, MO - On Tuesday morning of this week, local Kansas City man, Adam Dean arose to an alert on his phone warning about possible icy conditions for his commute to work. A second notification regarding his Fantasy Football team however, initially went unnoticed. It wasn't until arriving at the office that Adam was informed that he had made it to the championship game for a second year in a row. Last season, Dean won the entire league by running through the regular season with out losing a single game. Dean's fantasy team, known as "Adam's Team" is currently expected to finish ahead of his upcoming competitor "The Road Wreckers" in the final match up of the season, projecting him to be the league champion for a second year in a row.

"It was kind of a shock," said Dean about when he was informed of his teams success this year. "Its been a week or two since I have really looked at it so I didn't even know the thing [playoffs] at the end had started yet." When asked why he joined the office league he replied, "I really thought playing fantasy football would give me the chance to get to know my co workers a little better. I had no idea it would be quite this stressful." Dean who reportedly spent an average of 7 and a half minutes a week choosing a line up was frequently asked by coworkers about his success.

When asked about how his role has changed at work Dean replied, "I had to just go with it. When you suddenly become the leader of the football guys you can't let them know you have no idea what you're doing."  It wasn't until week 12 that Dean realized he had 14 pending trade offers sent to him. "I honestly didn't know what that meant. I didn't know that you could switch players. I'm afraid they are on to me though. Last week I said that Adrian Peterson was my go to guy. I didn't realize he has been injured all season."

Co-workers voiced their frustration with him after learning he was unaware of his teams performance. "I'm on to him. I don't even thing he watches the games! I mean, here I am tradin' and watching the waiver wire. Checking the IR to see when a player is coming back," said coworker Kevin Kruse of the Krusin' Knights. "I even picked up a few player at the end just to keep them away from the other guys I'm playing against! Does Adam even check to see who his players are going up against? Does he realize he's starting a few guys who are doubtful?!"

"It's become a real burden. The trophy alone takes up a lot of my desk space. I tried to leave it at my friends house when we had the thing [draft] where we picked players at the beginning. It's not very nice to look at." Needless to say things are stressful around the office this week for Adam's Team and don't look to improve if Dean wins the league for a second year in a row.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dear Dollar Shave Club

How to Use Social Media to Solve Problems and Get Free Stuff...

 by: Adam Dean

Social Media isn't just for communicating with your friends anymore. Businesses are listening to the chatter and they react to customer feedback. There are countless examples of companies working to solve problems through social media. Whether it is Apple trying to help you troubleshoot your iOS update mistakes or Domino's redelivering that pizza that you ordered incorrectly, businesses are constantly working to minimize negative comments on Social Media.

But how do you do it? You can't just fire off angry tweets and emails and hope to get a refund for those lousy waterproof headphones you ordered on Amazon at 3am. The best way to get help is to speak their lingo. Take this example below of a recent encounter I had with Dollar Shave Club. They are a fairly new company and rely heavily on word of mouth and guerrilla marketing. DSC takes a very tongue in cheek approach to their campaigns and so when I was face with an issue, I responded in the same way I would expect them to write me.

Below is the Facebook post I scrapped together and sent to DSC when my fairly new razor handle broke on me during a trip to Vegas.


Hello Dollar Shave Club,

Greetings and salutations. I am a very happy and satisfied customer. I love dollar shave club and have encouraged many a friend to try. I believe you have good, solid, quality products which you stand behind, or in front of.... or beside, however sounds best. I look forward each day to my morning shave. Something I dreaded. I was a cheap skate. I bought the disposable Bic, Schick, Dip, stick crap-ola razors, or whatever the cheapest available was, for many moons. Then a friend showed me the light. DSC. After only 2 months of clean smooth shaving I feel as though my life has been changed in  a beautiful way. The wife loves my face, and she even uses the "lovers blade"  for her legs every now and again. So....

Why am I writing this email?

Well you see a few days ago while traveling (which I do a lot of for work) to Las Vegas (where I don't go very often) to a conference... Well I can't tell you exactly what happened because of the rules... you know its Vegas. "What happens in Vegas..." well you know.  However, when I arrived, I opened my luggage to discover that my 4X Lovers Blade shave handle head was smashed (say that 5x fast). This is in all likely hood to the large gorillas that handle bags at the airport. I believe some of these baggage handlers make it a competition to see who can hurl 50 pound bags the farthest but I digress...

I attempted to shave using the broken handle with little.. dare I say no success.

I was curious as to the protocol for obtaining a new Razor Handle. Is this something I will need to replace out of pocket or something that DSC will replace? I can ship back the broken handle? I am sure it can be re-furbished, re-purposed or re-cycled into a new shave handle for some lucky future DSC member.

Although I am at the moment fatherless, I envision a day when my son will begin shaving and will receive his first set of DSC blades. Possibly, although highly unlikely, his shave handle might possibly have some recycled elements of his Pa's old shave handle. I may also never have a son. But if his name will be Roman. They all had such nice clean shaven faces. At least the statues did.

A beautiful thought.

Please let me know as soon as you can what I need to do about obtaining a new lovers handle. I can feel my 5 o'clock shadow laughing at me.

My best,
Adam Dean

So after firing this off, I was pretty unsure of the result. However with in 10 minutes I had a message back from the DSC corporate office on how to get a new razor. Then 30 minutes later even better news...

From Dollar Shave Club:
Oh Adam, you've given us the shivers! Your positive attitude and heart-warming feedback makes it all worth it. We will do our best to make you proud.
Thanks for your beautifully crafted email and support of DSC.
You're bada$$. Excuse my French.
 My colleague thought your email was so fantastic she sent you a handle for FREE. But, not realizing this I gave you the link to purchase one.... So, it looks like you're going to have two handles. Unless you want to halt the second and get a refund for the one purchased? Your call. 

Now go out there and tackle the world with that baby-butt-smooth soft mug.
Happy Shavin'

PS- You're officially a super member.

So, the next time you are faced with a situation where you have a complaint or need assistance from a business who literally has no idea that you are having a problem or how to help you, try to think about what they would most likely respond too. How would they talk about the issue you are having and approach it as a business? Keep these things in mind before you blast of on a Twitter rant about Taco Bell forgetting the sour cream in your loaded burrito.