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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Local Man Will Win at Least Second Place In Office Fantasy Football League

Local Man Will Win at Least Second Place In Office Fantasy Football League

Vol 51 Issue 01   

KANSAS CITY, MO - On Tuesday morning of this week, local Kansas City man, Adam Dean arose to an alert on his phone warning about possible icy conditions for his commute to work. A second notification regarding his Fantasy Football team however, initially went unnoticed. It wasn't until arriving at the office that Adam was informed that he had made it to the championship game for a second year in a row. Last season, Dean won the entire league by running through the regular season with out losing a single game. Dean's fantasy team, known as "Adam's Team" is currently expected to finish ahead of his upcoming competitor "The Road Wreckers" in the final match up of the season, projecting him to be the league champion for a second year in a row.

"It was kind of a shock," said Dean about when he was informed of his teams success this year. "Its been a week or two since I have really looked at it so I didn't even know the thing [playoffs] at the end had started yet." When asked why he joined the office league he replied, "I really thought playing fantasy football would give me the chance to get to know my co workers a little better. I had no idea it would be quite this stressful." Dean who reportedly spent an average of 7 and a half minutes a week choosing a line up was frequently asked by coworkers about his success.

When asked about how his role has changed at work Dean replied, "I had to just go with it. When you suddenly become the leader of the football guys you can't let them know you have no idea what you're doing."  It wasn't until week 12 that Dean realized he had 14 pending trade offers sent to him. "I honestly didn't know what that meant. I didn't know that you could switch players. I'm afraid they are on to me though. Last week I said that Adrian Peterson was my go to guy. I didn't realize he has been injured all season."

Co-workers voiced their frustration with him after learning he was unaware of his teams performance. "I'm on to him. I don't even thing he watches the games! I mean, here I am tradin' and watching the waiver wire. Checking the IR to see when a player is coming back," said coworker Kevin Kruse of the Krusin' Knights. "I even picked up a few player at the end just to keep them away from the other guys I'm playing against! Does Adam even check to see who his players are going up against? Does he realize he's starting a few guys who are doubtful?!"

"It's become a real burden. The trophy alone takes up a lot of my desk space. I tried to leave it at my friends house when we had the thing [draft] where we picked players at the beginning. It's not very nice to look at." Needless to say things are stressful around the office this week for Adam's Team and don't look to improve if Dean wins the league for a second year in a row.

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