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Thursday, April 12, 2012

No Shirt, No Shoes, No Flying

No Shirt, No Shoes, No Flying...

The no shirt and shoes rule has been adopted by almost every major business establishment across the country, except when it comes to airlines. I am certain there is a shirt policy and there is of course the girl who got kicked off a flight for a short mini skirt and low cut blouse a few years back. Yet airlines could not care less if you wear shoes or not.

Bare feet is a no no in any public place other than where it is deemed appropriate, such as a beach. I have no idea why people think it is ok to act like an airplane is your living room couch. Understandably, people like to wear flip flops because it is easy to get through security (See my post about shoes). But why do people think its cool to ditch them once they sit down on the plane.

I had a few friends who recently shared with me their uncomfortable experience aboard an international flight. Shortly after take off a young woman sitting next to them decided to get very comfortable. She removed her shoes and pulled her feet up into the seat and would also put them up on the seat in front of her (that gives me pause about using airline tray tables). One friend said the girl would cross her legs where her feet would rest right up against my friends leg.Gross.

I would think airlines would want you in some type of shoe in case of an emergency. I can't imagine not having proper shoes on if we needed to deplane in an emergency.

Flights might be long and uncomfortable but just because you paid for a seat doesn't mean you can act like you are at home. And just because you stay in your seat does not mean you will not affect those around you. Especially their noses.

Until next time I am...
Currently Out of the Office

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