Under the weather
So it has been a little while since my last update. After returning to Kansas City from Denver I found out I had picked up a nasty bug that put me down for a few days. Being out of the office for a week plus a few more days from being sick really set me back and it took me a little bit of time to bounce this bug.
Speaking of being sick, what do you do when you get sick on the road? Being sick is bad enough but being away from home can really be a pain. If you are on business, it's not like you can just call in and crash in your hotel room till you feel better. Plus if you are alone, there is no one to help get you things you may need.
It is always best to take preventative measures like frequently washing your hands, especially at airports and in taxis. But what happens if you already have that tingle in the back of your throat, or that runny nose?
Step 1: Take immediate action. You might need to go to Walgreen's straight from the airport or go straight to your hotel and get to sleep. A lot of times we have crunched so many meetings and appointments into such a small window of time that it may be hard to do this. Whatever you do, don't let it carry on untreated. Even some basic OTC cold medicines can keep your worst symptoms at bay till you get home. Getting medicine in your system will help your body start fighting back sooner than later.
Step 2: Consider canceling or rescheduling non essential meetings. Depending upon how you feel and how much time you have, it may be a good idea to move the big presentation up to today if possible or back a day if you feel it is a 24 hour thing. Smaller meetings could possibly be rescheduled over Skype or through a Webinar or pushed to more convenient times. Consider your options and talk with your supervisor and the client you are meeting with. Your client would probably prefer you not come in spreading your sickness around to their entire department. You supervisor also probably wants to to bring your A game and not be sneezing and coughing all through an important presentation with blood shot eyes.
Step 3: Rearrange travel plans in necessary. If you move your presentation back a day or so, you might have to rearrange your flights or extend your hotel stay. Try to do so 24 hours in advance to check out or flight departure to avoid extra last min fees. If you are a rewards member of your hotel and airline it may be easier than you think and cost almost nothing extra.
Step 4: Sleep. Sleep as much as you can and drink plenty of fluids. Order some soup from a local restaurant or the hotel kitchen and have it delivered if possible. Take care of yourself and get better as soon as you can.
Safe and sick free travels
Currently Out of the Office
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Delivery Woes
I have recently become a fan of shipping materials ahead of time to my hotel. So comfortable in fact that for this trip I didn't even bring any back up materials. Presentation materials and brochures are a big part of what I use when I travel. Aside from being bulky and heavy, I also have a lot of them I need to take. For a while I always packed a full extra suitcase of them. After ruining a few travel bags, due to the weight of the brochures, I started only shipping them instead.
Today, that confidence I have had in UPS and FedEx was shaken. I arrived at my hotel last night to find that my boxes had not arrived. This morning I learned that they were still in route and would not be here till this afternoon. A wave of regret rolled over me as I realized I broke one of my cardinal rules. Always bring some back ups.
Fortunately, I did bring some of my table materials and with a little strategic placement of things and a few print offs everything looked pretty good. FedEx delivered my materials this afternoon so I am good for the rest of this trip, but believe me this is one mistake I won't be making again.
Until next time,
Currently Out of the Office
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Time is the first thing you account for when planning...
I am currently sitting at the airport waiting for my flight to board. I started looking for an outlet to juice my phone up little more before my flight when I notice a young woman and her child came running through the terminal to see their plane pushing back.
I remember seeing her before we went through security and when she was ordering coffee at Starbucks. When said her name to the gate attendant, I remember them calling her and her daughter at least 3 times over the intercom. The little girl was about 3 and crying because she had literally just been drug through the airport when the young lady realized that they were in fact running late.
She will probably never be late for a flight again, but that isn't going to help her today. When the airline says you need to be at your gate 30 min early... they mean it. Learn lessons from others mistakes and not your own. It makes everything go a lot smoother.
Until next time I am...
Currently out of the Office
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Spring travel officially begins Sunday and my first trip of the season... Denver, CO.
Current weather conditions: Snow, and lots of it.
The airport is currently shutdown for the most part. Hopefully though everything will all be cleared up by Sunday evening. Not to worry though, my appointments don't begin till Monday mid morning, because I planned in some extra time for bad weather.
Whenever I leave for my first travel trip of the season, I undoubtedly will forget to bring something with me. After returning home I will put said forgotten item, into my travel bag so I am ready to go for the next trip. In the past I tend to forget at least one of the following items: headphones, phone or laptop charger, ear plugs, razors, sunglasses, fingernail clippers, or belt. Keeping an extra set of some of these types of items in your travel bag can dramatically reduce the stress of packing.
Things to pack before a winter trip...
Of course don't forget the basics: boots, coat, thermal shirt or leggings, gloves, scarf, etc. Something extra to consider packing though is a rag or washcloth. Use it to wipe off the wheels of your luggage, or shoes after walking in snow or mud. It keeps your things looking nicer and hopefully keep you from getting slushy mud all over the place.
Winter Travel Tip:
If you are traveling to a place that could potentially have ice or snow, make sure to ask the rental car company for an ice scrapper. Otherwise you might be using that plastic plate from the breakfast bar at your hotel.
Until next time I am....
Currently Out of the Office
Don't Get Stressed out... Get Stretched out...
Lets face it. Flying, being what it is, is not always the most comfortable form of transportation, even if it is the fastest. Unless your flying first class, (which most of us are not) being cramped up for a few hours (or longer) in a chair, not much bigger that a toddlers car seat, can do a number on the body. Not to mention dragging or carrying heavy luggage or presentation materials as well. Even driving for long periods can have an effect, causing discomfort that can lead to multiple shoulder, neck and spine issues.
After several tips to the chiropractor and getting advice from colleagues, who travel as frequently as I do, I have learned an easy way to avoid all the back spasms and neck cramps. Stretch.
One of the things that can help a travel worn warrior return quickly to form is simple stretching. A travel buddy of mine said they go get a full massage as soon as they arrive at their destination and again after each trip they go on. I personally don't have the time or the money to go for a full massage when I reach my destination but what I do have time for, is a hot shower and a good stretch. A hot shower will loosen up your muscles and allow you to stretch easier. Drink plenty of water too as it helps keep your body hydrated and free of cramps.
The truth is that the better in shape you are, the easier it is to lug all that stuff around. But, like I said before this is not a fitness blog. Now I am not endorsing any type of fitness regiment or anything, or trying to convince anyone they should do some kind of yoga or Pilates, but a few basic stretches that target large muscles will help you be more comfortable in your own skin and get a better nights sleep.
You can find all kinds of stretching exercises online, but definitely stretch your back and shoulders from lugging bags around. Stretch your legs from sitting so long on your flight. And stretch your neck... just because it feels good.
Until next time I am....
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