Delivery Woes
I have recently become a fan of shipping materials ahead of time to my hotel. So comfortable in fact that for this trip I didn't even bring any back up materials. Presentation materials and brochures are a big part of what I use when I travel. Aside from being bulky and heavy, I also have a lot of them I need to take. For a while I always packed a full extra suitcase of them. After ruining a few travel bags, due to the weight of the brochures, I started only shipping them instead.Today, that confidence I have had in UPS and FedEx was shaken. I arrived at my hotel last night to find that my boxes had not arrived. This morning I learned that they were still in route and would not be here till this afternoon. A wave of regret rolled over me as I realized I broke one of my cardinal rules. Always bring some back ups.
Fortunately, I did bring some of my table materials and with a little strategic placement of things and a few print offs everything looked pretty good. FedEx delivered my materials this afternoon so I am good for the rest of this trip, but believe me this is one mistake I won't be making again.
Until next time,
Currently Out of the Office
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