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Friday, March 16, 2012

Escape from Anne Arbor

A few days back when visiting the University of Michigan, a terrible tornado producing storm rose up out of nowhere. Michigan is not know for tornadoes, but due to an unusually warm winter, spring has arrived early and with it bad weather.

About midway through the event an announcement was made that we were to evacuate the area and head down to the basement. Without time to pack anything up I grabbed my laptop and headed downstairs.

Since it was late afternoon/early evening the union was packed with students showing up for dinner. With nowhere to sit, no cell phone service and being unable to leave, many of us stood for another 2 hours in the basement waiting for the all clear. At least I was in good company with a few other colleagues from other schools.

I had the ability to get over by an outside door to see that it was hailing and raining pretty hard. A tornado did touchdown and destroy around 100 or so homes about 10 miles from us, but fortunately no damage on campus.

Things cleared up and it was a little while longer before we got the all clear. We were all anxious to get out the door since it was another 2 and a half hour drive for most of us to our next stop.

After we were finally allowed to pack up we all rushed out to try to get to our cars before the rain picked back up. 2 of the 6 of us had umbrellas but we still ended up huddled under a street awning for about 10 min to avoid the torrential downpour that resumed about 2 blocks from the parking garage.

With the weather delay many of us got in pretty late that night or had to reschedule our plans. Just goes to show how weather can mess up plans really quick.

Now back to KC for the night and onto Miami tomorrow.

Until next time I'm
Currently out of the Office

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