Oh Murphy...
Today I leave for Indianapolis. Its a quick trip I make once year but generally brings about good results for business. It is such a quick trip that packing is a breeze and not much is needed other than the clothes on my back and a few extra items. As always though, I err on the side of caution and try to plan ahead to make sure that I have room for any mistakes on my part.Today, I prepared to leave for the airport extra early as I wanted to run a few errands around town and maybe pick up a movie. Our local library has a great collection of TV shows and movies, not to mention you can borrow them for up to 7 days free of charge. This is pretty handy for myself since most of my trips are within that time frame. I needed to run by the office and grab a few things I had printed off Friday but forgot to grab off the printer. All of these things were non-essential but I am thankful that I planned for this extra hour of time. After I loaded the car and jumped in to head up to the airport, I cranked the key over and my car wouldn't start.
The most frustrating thing is that I just got it back a few days ago from the shop to get a tune up and now it sits in my driveway inoperable. Thankfully I had time to call my mechanic who works in town and set up to have it looked at when I get back. Even on the easiest and smoothest days, things can still and often do go wrong. Thankfully there was enough time to have the wife take me to the airport before she has to work this afternoon. Murphy's law (Anything that can go wrong will go wrong) seems to always be in effect when traveling.
Public Soap Box.....
So now I am at the airport 3 hours before my flight is scheduled to leave and I noticed something that always irks me at airports and thought I would see if anyone else wanted to weigh in on this.
It seems that I always see one person hanging out at a 4 person table or booth with an outlet when they are not using it. This happens at coffee shops and cafe's all the time and is very common at airports as well. Most people just get upset that the person is wasting table space, which is true also but, I think people don't realize what a precious thing an outlet is to a business traveler. They spend a lot of time working on laptops and making calls on the phone before, during, and between flights. Having a dead cell phone when you reach your destination is a recipe for disaster for most of us.
So next time you grab a place to sip your coffee at the airport, take a peek around you and see if there is an outlet near by. If you don't need it and there are other places to sit please allow someone else the opportunity to use it. It is something we would all appreciate.
Soap Box stump over.
Until next time I am...
Currently Out of the Office
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Totally agree about the outlet situation at airports, coffee shops, etc. I've decided to start adopting the European seating method whereby I assume that open seats at a table are open to anyone. If one person is taking up an entire 4-top and there's room and an outlet, I'm gonna sidle on up and join them. I'll obviously be polite about it, but there's no sense in not attempting.