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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dear Dollar Shave Club

How to Use Social Media to Solve Problems and Get Free Stuff...

 by: Adam Dean

Social Media isn't just for communicating with your friends anymore. Businesses are listening to the chatter and they react to customer feedback. There are countless examples of companies working to solve problems through social media. Whether it is Apple trying to help you troubleshoot your iOS update mistakes or Domino's redelivering that pizza that you ordered incorrectly, businesses are constantly working to minimize negative comments on Social Media.

But how do you do it? You can't just fire off angry tweets and emails and hope to get a refund for those lousy waterproof headphones you ordered on Amazon at 3am. The best way to get help is to speak their lingo. Take this example below of a recent encounter I had with Dollar Shave Club. They are a fairly new company and rely heavily on word of mouth and guerrilla marketing. DSC takes a very tongue in cheek approach to their campaigns and so when I was face with an issue, I responded in the same way I would expect them to write me.

Below is the Facebook post I scrapped together and sent to DSC when my fairly new razor handle broke on me during a trip to Vegas.


Hello Dollar Shave Club,

Greetings and salutations. I am a very happy and satisfied customer. I love dollar shave club and have encouraged many a friend to try. I believe you have good, solid, quality products which you stand behind, or in front of.... or beside, however sounds best. I look forward each day to my morning shave. Something I dreaded. I was a cheap skate. I bought the disposable Bic, Schick, Dip, stick crap-ola razors, or whatever the cheapest available was, for many moons. Then a friend showed me the light. DSC. After only 2 months of clean smooth shaving I feel as though my life has been changed in  a beautiful way. The wife loves my face, and she even uses the "lovers blade"  for her legs every now and again. So....

Why am I writing this email?

Well you see a few days ago while traveling (which I do a lot of for work) to Las Vegas (where I don't go very often) to a conference... Well I can't tell you exactly what happened because of the rules... you know its Vegas. "What happens in Vegas..." well you know.  However, when I arrived, I opened my luggage to discover that my 4X Lovers Blade shave handle head was smashed (say that 5x fast). This is in all likely hood to the large gorillas that handle bags at the airport. I believe some of these baggage handlers make it a competition to see who can hurl 50 pound bags the farthest but I digress...

I attempted to shave using the broken handle with little.. dare I say no success.

I was curious as to the protocol for obtaining a new Razor Handle. Is this something I will need to replace out of pocket or something that DSC will replace? I can ship back the broken handle? I am sure it can be re-furbished, re-purposed or re-cycled into a new shave handle for some lucky future DSC member.

Although I am at the moment fatherless, I envision a day when my son will begin shaving and will receive his first set of DSC blades. Possibly, although highly unlikely, his shave handle might possibly have some recycled elements of his Pa's old shave handle. I may also never have a son. But if his name will be Roman. They all had such nice clean shaven faces. At least the statues did.

A beautiful thought.

Please let me know as soon as you can what I need to do about obtaining a new lovers handle. I can feel my 5 o'clock shadow laughing at me.

My best,
Adam Dean

So after firing this off, I was pretty unsure of the result. However with in 10 minutes I had a message back from the DSC corporate office on how to get a new razor. Then 30 minutes later even better news...

From Dollar Shave Club:
Oh Adam, you've given us the shivers! Your positive attitude and heart-warming feedback makes it all worth it. We will do our best to make you proud.
Thanks for your beautifully crafted email and support of DSC.
You're bada$$. Excuse my French.
 My colleague thought your email was so fantastic she sent you a handle for FREE. But, not realizing this I gave you the link to purchase one.... So, it looks like you're going to have two handles. Unless you want to halt the second and get a refund for the one purchased? Your call. 

Now go out there and tackle the world with that baby-butt-smooth soft mug.
Happy Shavin'

PS- You're officially a super member.

So, the next time you are faced with a situation where you have a complaint or need assistance from a business who literally has no idea that you are having a problem or how to help you, try to think about what they would most likely respond too. How would they talk about the issue you are having and approach it as a business? Keep these things in mind before you blast of on a Twitter rant about Taco Bell forgetting the sour cream in your loaded burrito.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Travel Pictures on Intagram

One of the things that is great about traveling is you get to see some amazing sights and scenery. I try to capture a lot of that with my phone and other cameras I sometimes bring along. I have really started to like Instagram because sometimes I take a picture of something and it just doesn't capture the mood and feel of what I am seeing.The world just seems so much more vibrant that what sometimes comes across on the iphone screen.

Being able to apply filters, adjust saturation and vibrance helps me to show the picture the way it looks to me when I am there. I hope you find them interesting. You can see the pictures on the Facebook page if you click the Instagram tab. Also, search for me on the Instagram app (adamdean), and give me a follow and some feedback about what you like. Here is a few pictures I have posted there.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hotel alarm clocks

Pound the Alarm!

One of the first things you should always check when you get to a hotel is the alarm clock. You never know if the last person who stayed in your room set an alarm for 4:30 am so they could catch a flight. You might be rudely awakened to find out they may have changed the time on the alarm click to their local time as well. Chances are if you're out west then you will then be running way ahead of schedule. But of you are out east you might be showing up late for a meeting or event.

Until next time I am...
Currently Out of the Office

Monday, April 30, 2012

The end of sleepless nights...

One of my biggest struggles when traveling is adjusting to a new environment each night. I try to stay at the same hotel for an entire trip if possible but every now and then that's not possible. This past week in Portland was like that. After several nights of tossing an turning, trying to adjust to new mattresses and air conditioner settings, I left the Pacific Northwest for Austin, TX. While in Austin I actually did get to stay in the same hotel for 3 nights, but alas I still just didn't sleep well. The best place to sleep is at home in your own bed which is where I am now. This travel season has been a lot of fun but I am glad to be heading home.
So here is to the end of another successful travel season and the experiences along the way.

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In the mean time....
I am Currently Out of  IN the Office

Thursday, April 12, 2012

No Shirt, No Shoes, No Flying

No Shirt, No Shoes, No Flying...

The no shirt and shoes rule has been adopted by almost every major business establishment across the country, except when it comes to airlines. I am certain there is a shirt policy and there is of course the girl who got kicked off a flight for a short mini skirt and low cut blouse a few years back. Yet airlines could not care less if you wear shoes or not.

Bare feet is a no no in any public place other than where it is deemed appropriate, such as a beach. I have no idea why people think it is ok to act like an airplane is your living room couch. Understandably, people like to wear flip flops because it is easy to get through security (See my post about shoes). But why do people think its cool to ditch them once they sit down on the plane.

I had a few friends who recently shared with me their uncomfortable experience aboard an international flight. Shortly after take off a young woman sitting next to them decided to get very comfortable. She removed her shoes and pulled her feet up into the seat and would also put them up on the seat in front of her (that gives me pause about using airline tray tables). One friend said the girl would cross her legs where her feet would rest right up against my friends leg.Gross.

I would think airlines would want you in some type of shoe in case of an emergency. I can't imagine not having proper shoes on if we needed to deplane in an emergency.

Flights might be long and uncomfortable but just because you paid for a seat doesn't mean you can act like you are at home. And just because you stay in your seat does not mean you will not affect those around you. Especially their noses.

Until next time I am...
Currently Out of the Office

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Where Everything is Bigger...

Where Everything is Bigger...

Dallas. A fast paced city in the heart of Texas that happens to be my old stomping ground. Where the weather is warm and the highway speed is 70 and everyone does 80.

Dallas has grown and changed a lot since I moved away 8 years ago. Several new restaurant chains have moved into town and several of the buildings have gotten makeovers. My hometown just east of Dallas has exploded, with a new high school, library and city hall.

Somethings though stay the same. The beautiful skyline remains mostly unchanged, most of the construction I drove through back then is still underway. And the people. The family, the friends, the people I haven't talked to in years but can pick right back up where we left off half a decade ago. That is the best thing about travel. It has to be.

To all my friends and family I was able to spend time with this week I thank you. I thank you for letting me share an hour or two with you here or there this past week. For letting me have a little bit of your time and avoid the "dinner for one" that often comes with the job.

I certainly enjoyed being able to see you and hopefully will be able to again.

Until then I am
Currently Out of the Office

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Monday, March 26, 2012

Sunscreen and sand...

After a few days back at home and some good R and R with my family, I find myself back at the airport, waiting to take off to Dallas for my next extended trip. As I am waiting I am also reflecting back on last week and my time in the 305.

First things first, Miami and Ft. Lauderdale are absolutely beautiful. They always are especially this time of the year. The weather was perfect and my work schedule allowed me enough time to enjoy the wonderful beaches in the area. However, I made a terrible error in planing for this trip.

No sunscreen.

I can not emphasize enough the regret (and pain) I feel for not wearing sunscreen. Since the winter is just now wrapping up in the midwest, I have not been in shorts and flip flops for almost 5 months. My arms get little exposure as well mainly because I never have the opportunity to wear t-shirts either.

To say I got sunburned may not sound too bad and in all honestly wasn't that big of a deal. All that was ok until it came time to fly home. Having a sunburn on your arms legs and feet while trying to drag luggage and taking shoes off for security was a real pain.

Additionally sitting in a small seat next to a complete stranger, unable to move for 3 and a half hours was shear torture. Alas I emphasize again how important it is to wear sunscreen. A beautiful afternoon on the beach or by the pool can lead to a painful and uncomfortable few days ahead.

Now on to the fun stuff. During MU stint in Florida I was able to see an incredible car show on every street I drove down in South Beach. Supped up Mustangs, and Chargers, rolled by as tricked out Lamborghini's and Ferrari's roared up and down the A1A.

I was not only impressed with the cars but also the people. Maybe it's because everyone I talked to was from somewhere else but it seemed that everyone there was very relaxed, friendly and willing to help if needed. I bought some postcards at a little beach shop and when I asked if they also sold stamps the lady gave me the post cards on the house since she was out.

The beaches were very beautiful and there were lots of areas where you could find a little stretch of sand that you could claim and be pretty far from everyone else. All in all it was a nice trip and very successful work wise. It would have been even better though if I had remembered to wear sunscreen.

Now I am off to Dallas. My old stomping ground. This trip will involve a lot of work but also a lot of opportunity to catch up with friends and family as well.

Until next time I am...
Currently Out of the Office

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Airport Delays

I talk a lot about how weather can cause you a headache when you are arriving or leaving a location. Sometimes inclement weather indirectly effects you like it does for me today.

The flight leaving before mine is still at the gate and waiting another 45 minutes to leave because of high winds in Albuquerque. Due to the delay the incoming flight does not have a gate to deplane and reboard.

So now our flight to Chicago has been moved to the other end of the terminal. Nota huge deal but if you are taking a nap or have headphones on you can very easily miss the announcement.

Just goes to show how good it is to keep an eye on your gate even when you arrive very early.

Until next time I am...
Currently Out of the Office

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

One word. Earplugs.

One word. Earplugs.

On a flight this morning from Detroit there was a scared puppy who was having a hard time and barked most of the way on the short flight. Since it was early most people were trying to sleep and many were starting to get grouchy. A year ago I might have been a little upset too but if you've been on a plane more than twice you know that loud and disturbing noises are common when flying. That is why you should never get on a flight without earplugs.

Loud seatmates and airplane turbulence can be grouped into this category as well. Airplanes tend to scare small children and dogs often become a complete wreck when they fly. Every person can control their own personal peace with even a cheap pair of headphones or earplugs.

Sometimes a parent may not be helping the situation or the people behind you want to share their conversation with everyone in the 3 rows around them. The only thing you can do though is be prepared. Noise canceling headphones are wonderful but can be pricy. But honestly any kind of small in ear headphone is going to help.

Earplugs though easily fit in a pocket and can be taken out easily if you do want to listen to music. Most are reusable and can provide a nice quiet place to relax your mind while you shoot through the sky in an aluminum tube of plastic and steel.

Until next time...
Currently out of the Office

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Escape from Anne Arbor

A few days back when visiting the University of Michigan, a terrible tornado producing storm rose up out of nowhere. Michigan is not know for tornadoes, but due to an unusually warm winter, spring has arrived early and with it bad weather.

About midway through the event an announcement was made that we were to evacuate the area and head down to the basement. Without time to pack anything up I grabbed my laptop and headed downstairs.

Since it was late afternoon/early evening the union was packed with students showing up for dinner. With nowhere to sit, no cell phone service and being unable to leave, many of us stood for another 2 hours in the basement waiting for the all clear. At least I was in good company with a few other colleagues from other schools.

I had the ability to get over by an outside door to see that it was hailing and raining pretty hard. A tornado did touchdown and destroy around 100 or so homes about 10 miles from us, but fortunately no damage on campus.

Things cleared up and it was a little while longer before we got the all clear. We were all anxious to get out the door since it was another 2 and a half hour drive for most of us to our next stop.

After we were finally allowed to pack up we all rushed out to try to get to our cars before the rain picked back up. 2 of the 6 of us had umbrellas but we still ended up huddled under a street awning for about 10 min to avoid the torrential downpour that resumed about 2 blocks from the parking garage.

With the weather delay many of us got in pretty late that night or had to reschedule our plans. Just goes to show how weather can mess up plans really quick.

Now back to KC for the night and onto Miami tomorrow.

Until next time I'm
Currently out of the Office

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Friday, March 9, 2012

Live on Facebok

Its a wonderful morning and amazingly I am actually in the office! I am here just long enough to set up a Facebook page for Currently Out of the Office. Now you can see when new posts will be going up and see pictures from recent trips. Additionally, you can leave comments and tips of your own there as well as here.

Click here to find me on Facebook

I am headed out to "The Motor City" Detroit, MI very soon and will again be...

Currently Out of The Office

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Traveling Jacket

There is not enough good things I can say about a good traveling jacket. This is something I certainly recommend If you are going to be flying. A traveling jacket not only provides protection from the elements (you never know what the weather might do at your destination before you arrive) but also is a convenient place to stash sunglasses, boarding pass, phone, and headphones.

So what is a travel jacket exactly? Well many people might be picturing some kind of bulky cargo type, but actually any type of blazer or lightweight jacket will do if it has a few pockets, most importantly a breast pocket. Make sure it is comfortable enough you can wear it several hours and you will not be constrained in your movements by it.  Also make sure it is not to heavy or bulky. You are going on a airplane not to Mt. Everest.

The reason I have come to love my travel jackets so much is because I have forgotten to wear one on a few occasions (most recently yesterday) and have realized how flustered and messy everything is when I didn't have one. For instance when you go through security you have to literally strip down to your pants and top shirt and empty all your pockets completely. When you wear a traveling jacket this becomes a very easy task. Most items like your phone, possibly your wallet, boarding passes, receipt from Starbucks and other things that normally are floating around in your pockets can be placed in a pocket on your jacket.

After removing shoes belt and jacket, you are ready for the metal detector or body scanner. After passing through successfully it is quite simple to slip on your shoes and belt ad throw your jacket  back on. There is no need to stuff everything back into your pockets because it never left them in the first place. This saves you a lot of time going through security.

A jacket though also is a great idea because getting to items like headphones and earplugs can be cumbersome if they are stuffed in a bag underneath your seat or in an overhead bin above you. Keep the things you are most likely to use during the flight in your jacket at all times and you will be able to access them quickly and without much effort. I also personally like to wear a jacket because I like to limit the amount of skin that might possibly rub against my neighbor during a flight or by others at the airport.

Finally, air travel is often cold. Due to the altitude and the number of people on the plane who have their vents open the temperature can swing drastically. If you have travel jacket you will probably be nice and warm and if you get to hot, simply slip that baby off.

Keep it simple and also professional. If you are meeting a client at the airport, You do not want to look like you just rolled out of bed.

Until next time I am....

Currently Out of the Office

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Something like this. Professional yet comfortable.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Murphy's Law

Oh Murphy...

Today I leave for Indianapolis. Its a quick trip I make once year but generally brings about good results for business. It is such a quick trip that packing is a breeze and not much is needed other than the clothes on my back and a few extra items. As always though, I err on the side of caution and try to plan ahead to make sure that I have room for any mistakes on my part.

Today, I prepared to leave for the airport extra early as I wanted to run a few errands around town and maybe pick up a movie. Our local library has a great collection of TV shows and movies, not to mention you can borrow them for up to 7 days free of charge. This is pretty handy for myself since most of my trips are within that time frame.  I needed to run by the office and grab a few things I had printed off Friday but forgot to grab off the printer. All of these things were non-essential but I am thankful that I planned for this extra hour of time. After I loaded the car and jumped in to head up to the airport, I cranked the key over and my car wouldn't start.

The most frustrating thing is that I just got it back a few days ago from the shop to get a tune up and now it sits in my driveway inoperable. Thankfully I had time to call my mechanic who works in town and set up to have it looked at when I get back. Even on the easiest and smoothest days, things can still and often do go wrong. Thankfully there was enough time to have the wife take me to the airport before she has to work this afternoon. Murphy's law (Anything that can go wrong will go wrong) seems to always be in effect when traveling.

Public Soap Box.....

So now I am at the airport 3 hours before my flight is scheduled to leave and I noticed something that always irks me at airports and thought I would see if anyone else wanted to weigh in on this.

It seems that I always see one person hanging out at a 4 person table or booth with an outlet when they are not using it. This happens at coffee shops and cafe's all the time and is very common at airports as well. Most people just get upset that the person is wasting table space, which is true also but, I think people don't realize what a precious thing an outlet is to a business traveler. They spend a lot of time working on laptops and making calls on the phone before, during, and between flights. Having a dead cell phone when you reach your destination is a recipe for disaster for most of us.

So next time you grab a place to sip your coffee at the airport, take a peek around you and see if there is an outlet near by. If you don't need it and there are other places to sit please allow someone else the opportunity to use it. It is something we would all appreciate.

Soap Box stump over.

Until next time I am...

Currently Out of the Office

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Under the weather

 Under the weather

So it has been a little while since my last update. After returning to Kansas City from Denver I found out I had picked up a nasty bug that put me down for a few days. Being out of the office for a week plus a few more days from being sick really set me back and it took me a little bit of time to bounce this bug.

Speaking of being sick, what do you do when you get sick on the road? Being sick is bad enough but being away from home can really be a pain. If you are on business, it's not like you can just call in and crash in your hotel room till you feel better. Plus if you are alone, there is no one to help get you things you may need.

It is always best to take preventative measures like frequently washing your hands, especially at airports and in taxis. But what happens if you already have that tingle in the back of your throat, or that runny nose?

Step 1: Take immediate action. You might need to go to Walgreen's straight from the airport or go straight to your hotel and get to sleep. A lot of times we have crunched so many meetings and appointments into such a small window of time that it may be hard to do this. Whatever you do, don't let it carry on untreated. Even some basic OTC cold medicines can keep your worst symptoms at bay till you get home. Getting medicine in your system will help your body start fighting back sooner than later.

Step 2: Consider canceling or rescheduling non essential meetings. Depending upon how you feel and how much time you have, it may be a good idea to move the big presentation up to today if possible or back a day if you feel it is a 24 hour thing.  Smaller meetings could possibly be rescheduled over Skype or through a Webinar or pushed to more convenient times. Consider your options and talk with your supervisor and the client you are meeting with. Your client would probably prefer you not come in spreading your sickness around to their entire department. You supervisor also probably wants to to bring your A game and not be sneezing and coughing all through an important presentation with blood shot eyes.

Step 3: Rearrange travel plans in necessary. If you move your presentation back a day or so, you might have to rearrange your flights or extend your hotel stay. Try to do so 24 hours in advance to check out or flight departure to avoid extra last min fees. If you are a rewards member of your hotel and airline it may be easier than you think and cost almost nothing extra.

Step 4: Sleep. Sleep as much as you can and drink plenty of fluids. Order some soup from a local restaurant or the hotel kitchen and have it delivered if possible. Take care of yourself and get better as soon as you can.

Safe and sick free travels

Currently Out of the Office

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Monday, February 6, 2012

Always bring a back up...

Delivery Woes

I have recently become a fan of shipping materials ahead of time to my hotel. So comfortable in fact that for this trip I didn't even bring any back up materials. Presentation materials and brochures are a big part of what I use when I travel. Aside from being bulky and heavy, I also have a lot of them I need to take. For a while I always packed a full extra suitcase of them. After ruining a few travel bags, due to the weight of the brochures, I started only shipping them instead.

Today, that confidence I have had in UPS and FedEx was shaken. I arrived at my hotel last night to find that my boxes had not arrived. This morning I learned that they were still in route and would not be here till this afternoon. A wave of regret rolled over me as I realized I broke one of my cardinal rules. Always bring some back ups.

Fortunately, I did bring some of my table materials and with a little strategic placement of things and a few print offs everything looked pretty good. FedEx delivered my materials this afternoon so I am good for the rest of this trip, but believe me this is one mistake I won't be making again.

Until next time,
Currently Out of the Office

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Be on time...

Time is the first thing you account for when planning...

I am currently sitting at the airport waiting for my flight to board. I started looking for an outlet to juice my phone up little more before my flight when I notice a young woman and her child came running through the terminal to see their plane pushing back.

I remember seeing her before we went through security and when she was ordering coffee at Starbucks. When said her name to the gate attendant, I remember them calling her and her daughter at least 3 times over the intercom. The little girl was about 3 and crying because she had literally just been drug through the airport when the young lady realized that they were in fact running late.

She will probably never be late for a flight again, but that isn't going to help her today. When the airline says you need to be at your gate 30 min early... they mean it. Learn lessons from others mistakes and not your own. It makes everything go a lot smoother.

Until next time I am...
Currently out of the Office

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Friday, February 3, 2012

Snow in my immediate future...

Spring travel officially begins Sunday and my first trip of the season... Denver, CO.

Current weather conditions: Snow, and lots of it.
The airport is currently shutdown for the most part. Hopefully though everything will all be cleared up by Sunday evening. Not to worry though, my appointments don't begin till Monday mid morning, because I planned in some extra time for bad weather.

Whenever I leave for my first travel trip of the season, I undoubtedly will forget to bring something with me. After returning home I will put said forgotten item, into my travel bag so I am ready to go for the next trip. In the past I tend to forget at least one of the following items: headphones, phone or laptop charger, ear plugs, razors, sunglasses, fingernail clippers, or belt. Keeping an extra set of some of these types of items in your travel bag can dramatically reduce the stress of packing.

Things to pack before a winter trip...
Of course don't forget the basics: boots, coat, thermal shirt or leggings, gloves, scarf, etc. Something extra to consider packing though is a rag or washcloth. Use it to wipe off the wheels of your luggage, or shoes after walking in snow or mud. It keeps your things looking nicer and hopefully keep you from getting slushy mud all over the place.

Winter Travel Tip:
If you are traveling to a place that could potentially have ice or snow, make sure to ask the rental car company for an ice scrapper. Otherwise you might be using that plastic plate from the breakfast bar at your hotel.

Until next time I am....

Currently Out of the Office

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Don't Get Stressed out... Get Stretched out...

Don't Get Stressed out... Get Stretched out...

Lets face it. Flying, being what it is, is not always the most comfortable form of transportation, even if it is the fastest. Unless your flying first class, (which most of us are not) being cramped up for a few hours (or longer) in a chair, not much bigger that a toddlers car seat, can do a number on the body. Not to mention dragging or carrying heavy luggage or presentation materials as well. Even driving for long periods can have an effect, causing discomfort that can lead to multiple shoulder, neck and spine issues.

After several tips to the chiropractor and getting advice from colleagues, who travel as frequently as I do,  I have learned an easy way to avoid all the back spasms and neck cramps. Stretch.

One of the things that can help a travel worn warrior return quickly to form is simple stretching. A travel buddy of mine said they go get a full massage as soon as they arrive at their destination and again after each trip they go on. I personally don't have the time or the money to go for a full massage when I reach my destination but what I do have time for, is a hot shower and a good stretch. A hot shower will loosen up your muscles and allow you to stretch easier. Drink plenty of water too as it helps keep your body hydrated and free of cramps.

The truth is that the better in shape you are, the easier it is to lug all that stuff around. But, like I said before this is not a fitness blog. Now I am not endorsing any type of fitness regiment or anything, or trying to convince anyone they should do some kind of yoga or Pilates, but a few basic stretches that target large muscles will help you be more comfortable in your own skin and get a better nights sleep.

You can find all kinds of stretching exercises online, but definitely stretch your back and shoulders from lugging bags around. Stretch your legs from sitting so long on your flight. And stretch your neck... just because it feels good.

Until next time I am....


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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Save your Soles...

Save your Soles...

This should really be a no brainier but....wear comfortable shoes when you travel. You do a lot of walking, standing in long lines and waiting for bags and shuttles. It pays to have on comfortable shoes.

Slip on shoes are a great convenience when flying but don't sacrifice comfort for 15 seconds of time when going through security. If your most comfortable shoes are lace ups, wear those.Just plan to untie your shoes as you get up to the scanner. After going through then go take a seat and put them back on. You only have to do this once unless you leave the secured area so...don't leave the secured area!

It is better to have shoes with good support for all day than a pair of flip flops or cute flats that are going to cause your feet to hurt by the end of the day.

If you really want to wear flip flops do it at the beach. Especially if you see any of these lying around (see picture below).

Until next time I am...
Currently Out of the Office

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Before everything goes wrong...

How Much Time Do You Need?

The first rule of anything, whether it be sports, building a house, or travel, is that any successful project begins with solid planning.

The biggest pitfall for people who travel is the unexpected. Planes being delayed, traffic, bad weather, lost bags and so on. All of these are things that are out of our control. When you travel, you put a lot of your trust, money and time in the hands of someone else. Someone who doesn't necessarily see you as their biggest priority during your moment of crisis. The best advice I think I can give to anyone planing a trip is to plan for the moment when everything goes wrong. Make sure that you keep as much of your freedom in your hands as possible by always allowing extra time for the hiccups that are sure to come.

Many business travelers have another individual, possibly a secretary or travel agent, book all of their appointments, hotels, flights and so on. I have found that when you leave the planing up to someone else you often find yourself arriving at your destination at 2:30 in the morning the day of your 8 am appointment. Or after completing your meeting at 11:30am you then sitting at the airport for hours only to catch a red eye flight back home. All because someone else planned your travel with little regard for your time or what makes the most logical sense.

Many travelers have to use the companies travel agent or are honestly to busy to book their own travel, but for those that can, it is well worth it. As a business traveler you also have a budget and probably a set number of days you can be gone for a meeting or conference. Your superiors probably are not chill with you taking a week for a 2 day conference. Especially if it is in Vegas. However, I have found that most business professionals are allowed to go out the day before or come back the day after the "work" part of the trip.

I am not a morning person. So being able to plan my own travel to suit my needs is important to me. I am not a fan of  6am flights or 8am meetings when traveling from west to east. Be aware of time changes. My plans usually include going out the afternoon or evening before a meeting or conference. That way I have time when I arrive to get my transportation, get my hotel, get my bags to my hotel, check my email and relax for an hour or two before getting to sleep. Trips where I go out the day of an event usually result in a plane delay, a lost car reservation, lost bag, the presentation materials being lost by FedEx or being unable to drop extra bags at the hotel.

Having the evening before allows the time to take care of all necessities without the time crunch. Also, after wrapping up an event, I allow plenty of time to get to the airport, get my rental dropped off, get through security and get my shoes back on before my flight takes off. Planing ahead and making sure you have time to be well rested and bring your A-game to a meeting is very important. If your company has spent the money to send you out there, make sure you are ready to roll when the time comes. Sometimes the extra night away from home can make the difference in how prepared you are for your meeting.

So when you sit down to plan out that business meeting to Seattle, think ahead about where you might be tight on time and make a plan on what to do if something goes wrong. Until next time I am....

Currently out of the Office

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Currently Out of the Office

At the ripe old age of 25 I don't have much advice to offer most people. I don't currently have children and am pretty lousy with a toolbox. My yard is anything but beautiful and I am in no kind shape to be dishing out fitness advice. There is however one subject that I have been blessed to learn a lot about in a short span of time. A subject that due to my immersion in it have become somewhat of an expert. 

I am a professional business traveler. 

Every year thousands of business men and women travel all around the world to close deals, recruit new clients, spread their company brand and sell their products. There are many different fields and concentrations and each company is a little different in what they allow or will cover in expenses for their "road warriors". But there are some common tips and tricks that everyone who travels for work should know.

I started working for a small private college as a recruiter and within a few weeks was out on the road on my first official business trip. That first trip began with me picking up my first speeding ticket, eating lunch at a gas station while lost in the middle of rural Iowa. All in the first 8 hours. Many lessons were learned the hard way, which I plan to share so that others may not be destined to repeat them. 

I am now blessed to work for a larger institution, traveling all over the country, racking up thousands of airline miles. And so far I have had the opportunity to go to dozens of cities that I never had the chance to visit before.  

For a young business traveler there are many perks as well as pitfalls that come along the way. Hopefully, those of you who travel a lot might pick up a few tips that will help you from getting lost and being overly sleep deprived. With a little time and practice you might really enjoy working away from the office. 

If you don't travel for work but do want to know how to make your next vacation to Disney go a little smoother, follow along.  There is something here for everybody.

If you have any tips or travel advice, please leave a comment below or shoot me an email. The more we collaborate, the easier the traveling gets.

Until next time I am...

Currently Out of the Office

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